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CMST&101: Introduction to Communication (Fishback)

Research Resources for Nobel Peace Prize assignment.

Databases do not function like Google, meaning, you can't type an entire sentence in the search box. Knowing how to use keywords, boolean operators and filters will give you better results. Consider watching the following videos before trying any of the library's databases.

  • How to Use Filters
  • Understanding and Using Boolean Operators
    • For your Nobel Peace Prize assignment, you don't necessarily need to use the Boolean Operators, you can probably get away with only using the name of the person. However, knowing how to use Boolean Operators is an important research skill and definitely helpful if you're trying to conduct independent research in EBSCO or ProQuest.

Selected Databases for Your Assignment

Try these online encyclopedias instead of Wikipedia to find more information about your Nobel Peace Prize Laureate.

Your research topic may be bundled with articles, primary sources, videos, images, websites and more in some of the databases listed below. Try typing in the name of your Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and see what resources you find.

If you're ready for independent research on your topic/person then try the following databases:

Consider reading articles from independent and alternative presses that challenge and/or complement the mainstream media. Articles are primarily written by people of color.

Complete List of YVC's Databases

Don't forget about the citation tool in the databases. Go back to the Home Tab and watch the citation tool video.