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Resources in the field of Nursing and related healthcare subjects

Before we jump into any research, we need to:

  • Learn some searching skills.
  • Learn how to read a scholarly article.
  • Learn how to use and find the citation tool.
  • Learn the importance of an annotated bibliography.  

I recommend completing the tutorials and videos before moving onto the Selected Databases for Nursing and the PubMed sections.

Before You Start Your Research


  • Watch and learn about Filters and Boolean Operators.
  • Review the Keyword/Search Terms video and tutorial below and apply those skills to your nursing topic.

Filters and Boolean Operators

Databases do not function like Google, meaning, you can't type an entire sentence in the search box. Knowing how to use keywords, boolean operators, and filters will give you better results. Consider watching the following videos before trying any of the library's databases.

  • How to Use Filters YVC logo used to indicate an instructional video
    • Learn how to use the databases to find peer-reviewed articles.
  • Understanding and Using Boolean Operators with your keywords/search terms. YVC logo used to indicate an instructional video
    • Learn how to use Advanced Search and Boolean Operators to try and find articles for your specific topic.
    • One Exception: DO NOT use Boolean Operators in PubMed. PubMed's database system already does it for you.

Keywords/Search Terms 

Keywords/search terms are important in your database searches. You can not type in questions or long phrases like in Google.

Watch & Learn

Read & Practice

Test Your Knowledge


Before you start using your newly learned skills to find articles, let's learn about the different sections in scholarly articles.

  • Go through the tutorial and/or video to learn how to effectively read and understand scholarly material. Remember, they are written for experts so it's very important you learn the process. Tip: Write down the academic vocabulary used in the articles. The vocabulary can become your search terms/keywords.

Scholarly Articles

Scholarly articles differ greatly from the common popular articles you are accustomed to reading. Popular articles can typically be found in newspapers, magazines, and online. Popular articles are written for the general public and have many images with advertisements.

On the other hand, scholarly articles are quite the opposite. Scholarly articles are written by experts for other experts in the field, which makes them difficult to read and understand. The authors are always listed with their credentials/degrees. And most importantly, scholarly articles are only published after it has gone through a grueling review process performed by other peers in the field.

Watch & Learn
Read & Practice


  • Watch the citation video for a quick demonstration on how to retrieve citations (APA, MLA, etc.) for any peer-reviewed article found in a library database. It will help you create your annotated bibliography.
  • Review the annotated bibliography tutorial to learn their importance and components to effectively write one.

Citation Tool

The citation tool will save you HOURS as you conduct research by assisting you in creating a work cited page or annotated bibliography. The majority of websites in Google DO NOT provide you with a citation, you need to create it yourself. 

Remember, every database is equipped with a citation tool, even PubMed. Always open the article first and you'll find the citation tool on the side menus. The citation tool will also allow you to change the citation style you need, such as APA, MLA, etc.

Watch & Learn

Read & Practice

Selected Databases for Nursing

Try OneSearch, the library catalog, to search multiple databases in one single search, it's like our Google. Give it a try!

Use the skills learned in the YVC (filters/boolean operators/citations) videos to find articles on your specific topic.

The OneSearch database could be enough to complete your assignment but if you want to conduct further independent research on your topic then try the databases listed on this page. 

USEFUL TIP: Also select the Full-Text filter along with Peer-Reviewed in these databases.

Best Bet Nursing Databases

Other Databases to Try

YVC Database Example

Watch the videos in the YVC Database Example box to see a demonstration of using PubMed's search term example, gut microbiome allergy, in a YVC database. All the research skills can be applied to any other YVC database.

The YVC library (Yakima Campus), has the current and previous 5 years of the American Journal of Nursing (AJN) in print form. The best way to research our print collection is to search the online AJN. 

  • Do a basic or advanced search using the research skills you've already learned. 
  • Filter to the  Last 5 Years under Publication Date.
  • Browse your results list and write down or screenshot the article's source information such as its volume, issue, and page numbers for those that require a purchase.
  • Come to the library with the source information to retrieve the appropriate journal issue from the shelf and you can make copies, screenshot the pages of the article or sit and read in the library.

YVC logo used to indicate an instructional videoWatch AJN video

library shelf of AJN in Raymond